Friday, November 10, 2017

Wrapping out 2016! Welcome 2017!

Hello universe, 2016 has coming to an end, have you guys set out to achieve one of your goals that you set during the earlier year? I really do hope so. 

I know I have achieve some, but others don't. 

Going back to November 2015,  I've found that time I weight around 88 KG/ 194 LBS, I was obesity and my waist line is around 38-40 inch. I was sad and depressed, all the time. But after being tired of being criticize and getting called a lot of different bad names all the time during the gathering. I know they was just being funny, joking and not being serious, but sometimes it hurts my feelings, and it doesn't feel good, period

Then fast forward till now, I remember that I weight myself in the morning just now as I wrote this blog, I weight around 70.4 KG, and I wore size 31 inch shorts, jeans etc. I never felt that I could done this by myself ever! After this amazing experience, I started to set more goals, and plan to craft my life the way I wanted for myself. 

Then at the same time, I've join the financial industry, to hope that I can make my big lucky breaks in there, as I was working to a 9-5 retail job for 6 month during my universities intake and wasn't happy by the paychecks they offer, which everyone does I guess. But I take the leap, to throw it all up and went full time 100% commission based on the insurance industry. I don't know why I did that, but I know if anything happens, it was just an experience, a journey to become the strongest version of myself to craft the life that I wanted for myself. 

I really do think luck plays a major role in our lives, If it wasn't luck, I would be where I am right now, so.